The Royal Abbey of Fontevraud

Fontevraud is located near Chinon, in Anjou. It was built between 1105 and 1116 and it is still impressive with its immense proportions, its architecture and the whiteness of its tuffeau. The abbey is one of the largest ones in Europe. Napoleon decided to transform the royal Abbey into a prison in 1804. It is registered as...
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The castle of Angers was built by Saint Louis and his mother Blanche of Castile and it became the most powerful fortress of the kingdom. The threat of the Normans led the first Earl of Anjou to settle there in the ninth century. This castle is a genuine military citadel and today, it is known as the most invincible of...
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Azay le Rideau

The castle is located between Tours and Chinon and it was designed by Gilles Berthelot in 1518. He wanted to merge the French architecture with the Italian style. The castle was almost burnt to the ground by Frederic Charles de Prusse in 1871. Luckily, he came back to his sense and the castle was saved since he did not...
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sleeping beauty castle

The castle of Sleeping Beauty seems to have been created with a magic wand and inspired many poets. You will find an air of enchantment in this magical place that resembles a medieval castle. A magnificent garden was designed by Le Nôtre, the architect of the gardens of Versailles under Louis XIV. The visit of the castle...
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Discover the Renaissance garden with a beautiful collection of rare plants. The Galerie des illustres recounts three centuries of French history through a collection of more than hundred portraits: 365 kings and queens including Francis I, emperors, popes, generals and ministers of Europe.
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The mysterious castle of Brézé is considered one of the most curious of the Loire Valley. It is the most important underground fortress in Europe and it was built between the 11th and 19th centuries.
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Chambord is the very embodiment of French Renaissance architecture. In the past, the castle represented the power and the wealth of the French king Francis I. It is without a doubt, the most prestigious and the biggest castle of the Loire Valley with its 426 rooms and 77 stairs.
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Chaumont sur Loire

The castle of Chaumont-sur-Loire is the very embodiment of a mix between Gothic and Renaissance architectures. Catherine de Médicis, Henri II’s widow, requested Chenonceau castle from Diane de Poitiers in exchange of the castle in Chaumont-sur-Loire. The rumor has it that Catherine de Medicis saw in the magic mirror,...
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Chenonceau is exceptional and it is today, one of the most well-known castles of the Loire Valley since it was built on the water. The castle was home to Diane de Poitiers and Catherine de Médicis who took great care of it. It was also one of the main symbols of the French realm during the French revolution and it served...
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Cheverny, located near the castles of Blois and Chambord, was built around 1620. Its facade is built out of a stone which has the peculiarity of whitening as it ages. The estate is a seigniorial property that has belonged to the same family for more than six centuries. The owners still live there and allow the public to...
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Fougères sur Bièvre

The castle of Fougères sur Bièvre has retained its medieval appearance with an imposing entrance curtain and an imposing keep that welcome its visitors. An arcaded gallery, inspired by the royal castle of Blois, marked the rise of the Renaissance in the 16th centuries.
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The elegant castle of l’Islette might remind you of that of Azay le Rideau. Today, the castle is known for having sheltered the loves of Camille Claudel and Rodin. The Indre crosses the estate, making the place even more charismatic.
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La Bourdaisiere

Francis I had the noble castle of La Bourdaisière built for his mistress, Marie Gaudin. Leonardo da Vinci designed the typical Italian style door, with its balustrades. A unique collection created by Louis Albert de Broglie in 1998, brings together an exceptional set of more than 650 varieties of tomatoes.
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The castle is located on the borders of the regions of Anjou and Touraine. This is the place where Anne de Bretagne and Charles VIII married, thus celebrating the alliance between the realms of Britain and France. The castle was built by Louis XI whose main purpose was to find a way to defend from the attackers.
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Meung sur Loire

This castle is one of the largest and oldest in the Loire Valley. It sheltered the bishops of Orleans until the Revolution. The castle welcomed important kings like Francis I and Louis XI. The poet François Villon was taken prisoner there when the castle served as prison. The estate has been classified a historical...
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The castle was remodeled in the 14th century but it still has its medieval aspect. It was a stronghold of the Middle Ages built under Charlemagne. Later on, the castle was transformed in the 16th century into a Renaissance castle by Aymar de Prie under Francis I. It is today registered as a historic monument.
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Montrésor is the smallest village in Touraine. It is a member of the prestigious label of the “most beautiful villages of France”. This treasure buried in the rock hides a fortress with a double city wall of imposing towers that take you back to the Middle Ages. This castle remains one of the most beautifully...
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Montreuil Bellay

The castle of Montreuil-Bellay is a medieval fortress built by Foulques Nerra in 1025. The enclosure was made to protect the old castle, the new castle and the collegiate church, thanks to its 650 meters of ramparts and its 13 towers. The castle offers a remarkable view of the countryside of Anjou and Poitou.
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The castle was rebuilt in the middle of the 15th century by Jean de Chambers, councilor of Charles VII. Montsoreau was the scene of the greatest passions, Alexandre Dumas made it famous in his work “La dame de Montsoreau” in 1846. Visit of the most beautiful villages of France With an exceptional panorama on...
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The history of the castle of Saumur: As the capital of Protestantism, Saumur was torn apart by the religious wars. Under Napoleon I, the castle underwent important works and it was transformed into a prison. The Castle of Saumur was restored and now it has a decorative art museum with a good collection of works of art,...
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Selles sur Cher

The castle of Selles-sur-Cher resisted the attacks of the Vikings in 935 but was taken by Richard the Lionheart two centuries later. Joan of Arc stayed there during the Hundred Years War. The castle was abandoned for year but opened its doors to the public in 2012 thanks to its new owner.
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Sully sur Loire

This castle was the residence of the dukes of Sully. The Protestant family from Bethune spent time and a lot of money to shape the dwelling as they wished. Its keep and its splendid frame made out of chestnut wood still remind us of the Hundred Years War; Joan of Arc was taken prisoner there. Louis XIV and Anne of Austria,...
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The castle of Talcy retained its aspect of the 18th century. Catherine de Medicis met the leader of the Huguenot party and Prince de Condé in 1562 but this attempt to bring peace in the kingdom was a failure. Talcy is now part of the National Monuments Center.
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It was built by the family of Estampes on the site of an ancient fortress between the 15th and 17th centuries. Discover the impressive collection of Empire furniture, the Renaissance room, the small Italian theater and go for a stroll in its magnificent park. Our team takes you to discover what the author Georges Sand...
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The Gardens of Valmer flourish on an exceptional set of Italian style terraces. The elegance of the Renaissance architecture matches perfectly with the beauty of the surrounding landscapes. Valmer was unfortunately destroyed by the flames in 1948. The park, however, is as beautiful as in the 18th century. It is necessary...
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Villandry was bought in 1532 by Jean Baptiste le Breton, Francis I’s minister at that time. He ordered the construction of the palace and the splendid gardens which are today considered as the most beautiful royal gardens in France. The gardens are the most prestigious gardens of the Loire Valley and France. The...
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Brissac Quince

The château de Brissac is the highest castle in France and it belongs to the same family since 1502. On August 12, 1620, the castle was the theater of reconciliation between Louis XIII and his mother Marie de Medicis. Its astonishing proportions make it the highest castle of France with more than 48 meters in height, 7...
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Clos Luce “Leonardo da Vinci”

The Manoir du Clous is today called Clos Luce and it is 300 meters away from the Royal Castle in Amboise. Francis I welcomed the genuis Leonardo da Vinci with these words: “You would be free to think, dream and work there”.
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Le Lude

The chateau de Lude has been inhabited by the same family for three centuries. Its historical gardens which stretch between the castle and the courtyard of the Loire are beautifully decorated with statues.
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Plessis Bourre

It took only 5 years to build the castle of Plessis Bourré from 1464. The construction was made possible thanks to the fortune of its owner, Jean Bourré, treasurer of King Louis XI. This architecture is the symbol of the transition between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance period.
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Le Rivau

The huge stables, built by the great squire Francois de Beauvau, served as royal stable for Francis I. Its magnificent park of 6 hectares contributes to the making of its fame.
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Dom Pacello, the Léonardo of gardens. The Royal Estate of Château Gaillard is the forgotten paradise of the Renaissance in Loire Valley. On his return from Italy in 1496, the young King Charles VIII, fallen in love with the Italian cities and palaces, decided to recreate in Amboise the same style. To realize this dream,...
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This castle was one of Francis I’s favorite castles. The medieval fortress became a royal residence. The castle undergone some changes that recalled the Renaissance architecture. It is one of the first times Renaissance architecture was brought in the Val de Loire. The king invited Leonard de Vinci who, at that time, was...
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This castle is a symbol of the different architectural influences of that period. The castle bears traces of the Gothic, classical and Italian architectural influences of that time. It was home to Louis XII and a symbol of power. 7 kings and 10 queens lived there and as a matter of fact, it also recalls the daily life at...
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The royal city of Loches is astonishing and among the most beautiful medieval cities of France. An architectural transition took place during the Renaissance period but the city has preserved its impressive fortifications. It was the residence of many kings of France; Francis I and Charles V  met there in 1539. Do not...
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and the others..

The Loire Valley has more than 1000 castles! It’s impossible to make a complete list but we strive to offer you a maximum. Here is a list of castles of the Loire Valley that it is possible to discover on request. Villesavin: The castle was built by Jean le Breton between 1527-1537 on the site of an old manor. He was...
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Royal fortress of Chinon

Chinon is located at the crossroads of 3 provinces: Poitou, Anjou and Touraine. Charles VII made it one of his favorite residences in 1427. The history of the royal fortress of Chinon The royal fortress of Chinon was a strategic site above the city. Its construction was successively handled by the Counts of Blois, of...
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